Google Layoffs: Sundar Pichai Recently Announce Job Cuts In The Managerial Role

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One of the biggest industries in the world of information technology recently announces layoffs that are shocking news from company to their employers. Sundar Pichai who is the CEO of Google, recently describe the plan to cut off up to 10% managerial staff. According my prediction google want to reduce their workforce and cut of that person who are unusual sitting in the company at the high level but not performing as well as per requirement.

Overview of Google’s Layoff Announcement:

The announcement from the CEO for cuts approximately 10% for managerial staff. This downsizing depends on the several factors such as productivity, addresses efficiencies and project handling strategies. The total number of the staff who are  has not been disclosed to focus on the senior level managers in the different sectors.

Reason Behind The Google’s Layoff :

Nowadays if we are looking on the global economic condition which is badly affected due to political instability in USA and rapidly increase the inflation rate overall the world. This is the reason to reduce the ad revenue from advertiser and prompted companies to think for spending on ads.

 On the other hand the focus of sundar pichai is on creating learner and builds more effective team for their company who will work with the mindset and unique ideas and delivering values to the projects and products.

Sundar Pichai Statement:

Sundar Pichai highlight few key points that we need for Google workforce whose are adapt to evolve the challenges and focus on the productivity, efficiency and try to enhance the value for customer and product  and also help to improve the technology segment which is more effective for Google customer.

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